White Plains Zen meets
weekly on Tuesday nights from 7:30-9:00pm at Saint Bartholomew's Church.
If you are new to Zen
please arrive at 6:45 for a brief introduction.
Our Practice:
Zazen: seated meditation involves working with the
body, breath,
and mind: entering into deep silence and stillness, opening to a fresh
awareness. It opens the eye to wisdom and the heart to compassion. Our practice emphasizes the practice of zazen,
recognizing it as a
way for people to deepen their insight of their true self... To
Becoming a Member
There are no
membership requirements. We are an interfaith group and are not bound by any religion. Everyone from all walks of life and from all religious or non-religious
backgrounds are welcome to sit with us. There are no fees or dues, however, donations are accepted via the Offering Bowl.
White Plains Zen, a sittting group started in Feburary 2002 is affiliated with Morning
Star Zendo in Jersey City NJ. All are part of the White Plum Asanga, in the lineage of Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi Roshi.
guiding teacher: Robert E. Kennedy, S.J. Roshi.
White Plains Zen Sangha is a member of the Zen Peacemaker Order (ZPO) based at the Maezumi Institute in Montague,
MA. This is an open and free association of Zen groups, either in the lineage of Bernard Glassman, Roshi , or practicing zen
and socially engaged spirituality. The purpose of the cooperative efforts of the affiliating groups is to maintain zen practice,
realization and actualization, and to nurture, promote and creatively transform zen traditions. The mission, vision and unifying
principles of Zen Peacemakers can be read at www.zenpeacemakers.org or by contacting the ZPS Coordinator, Sally Sonen Kealy at sonen@zenpeacemakers.org
Upcoming Retreats
(Email for more info)
Please Join us on September, 16th
Guest Teacher
Michael Koryu Holleran, Sensei
We are fortunate to have Sensei Michael Koryu Holleran visit with us. Michael is a Dharma Heir of Robert Kennedy, SJ,
Roshi. He will sit, offer daisan (one to one teaching) in the second period and a Dharma talk in the last period.
Michael lived as a Carthusian monk for 22 years, (a Carthusian monastery can sometimes be described as a community of
hermits), seven of which were at the Grande Chartreuse, subject of the film 'Into Great Silence'.
For the last twenty years, he has been serving as a parish priest in the Archdiocese of New York.
Please join us!
Questions or comments? Contact us at:
E-Mail: whiteplainszen@gmail.com
website: whiteplainszen.org
St. Bartholmew's Church
82 Prospect St.
White Plains, NY 10606
Sunday Soup Kitchen December 6th
hosted by White Plains Zen.
There is a REAL NEED!
Questions or comments?
Contact us at:
Mailing Address: St Bartholomew’s Church
82 Prospect Street White Plains,
NY 10606